A new show by Marta Czok is currently taking place at Museo Carlo Bilotti in Villa Borghese. It is titled Mother Rome.
Here some photos from the setting.
The show, promoted by Roma Capitale – Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and curated by Diana Alessandrini, is a collection of pantings by Marta Czok portraying the Eternal City where the British painter of Polish origins lives. All the pantings are acrylic and graphite on canvas and are a summa of the research of this painter whose art, as the curator says, «goes against the tide. […] Her sarcastic view is translated into a refined and detailed painting technique». Here the complete text (in Italian).
The painting that best represents the exhibition is totem Roma(2015), a polyptych 2.40 metres tall, «created especially for the Museo Carlo Bilotti, it represents Rome with its monuments, in the background, but also with its modern buildings. With its corporative protests and the pilgrims in the Vatican. With its tourists and the locals too. While below, one can still find the ruins of the Roman empire, a grandeur that today seems lost for good». Marta Czokrepresents a unicum in the contemporary art scene. She leaves no space for imperfection, and moves easily from one style to the other, from portraits to caricatures. The paintings in this show create a strong dialogue with the Collezione Bilotti and especially with De Chirico‘s masterpieces.
6th March – 24th April 2016
Museo Bilotti all’Aranciera di Villa Borghese, Viale Fiorello La Guardia – 00197 Roma –
Tel. 060608
Free entrance
Opening times
From Tuesday to Friday 10 am – 4 pm (last entrance at 3.30 pm)
Saturday and Sunday 10 am 7 pm (last entrance at 6.30 pm)